Friday, March 29, 2013

Bound and Determined

This is me 2 months ago. I have been working my ass off to get this far. I made up my mind and decided that I would no longer be overweight. How do you go from one size to another and not even notice? I let a year of stress control me and then I decided to take that control back. I didn't have an ounce of energy,I was always tired, it was horrible. Working out and leading a healthy lifestyle is all a mind game. Your mind will give out long before your body does. I am not doing this for anyone but me. Taking care of my body is the most unselfish thing that I can ever do for myself.You have to decide what is important to you and why.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kids will remember...

It's a shame that parents can not work together for their children. It doesn't matter if you hate me, or I hate you. When it comes to the children, all of those feelings are suppose to go out of the window.  Someone has to be the adult in the "relationship". I never understood why some parents insist on putting their children in the middle of adult business. It is in my opinion that it confuses the child, and puts them in a place where they feel like they have to choose which parent they should like or love. Kids should be kids. They shouldn't be scared to talk about the other parent around the other, or want to call the other parent. It's insane. They will grow up hating you for not letting them enjoy their childhood. You're not suppose to argue and carry on in front of your kids, you're not suppose to send nasty messages to the other parent through your kids. What's the point? Who are you hurting? Who are you making look bad?

You can't buy your children! Children aren't for sale. You wanna be that Disney Land parent, buying toys, and bullshit that they will eventually show no interest in later!? What about the things that they need? Kids aren't going to grow into strong loving adults saying, I remember when the other parent bought me that awesome race track, or barbie doll. They are going to grow up thinking and remembering, I remember every Wednesday was story night, or Friday's were movie night, or Saturdays were game night. I remember laughing, and playing, and just sitting up late on the weekends talking about any and everything. I remember being asked " how was your day" and actually being listened too. Material things don't last. They loose their value, I see it all the time. My children want certain things for their birthday, or a holiday. If I have the money to get it I do. But a week later, sometimes two, it's broken, misplaced, or put in the toy box. But they love movie night, and game night. or one on one time, they look forward to those days. I don't buy my children! Nope never will. They understand the meaning of the word no! I have 3 children and regardless of what my schedule is, I still make one on one time. There isn't a set time. It's just quality time. EVERY SINGLE DAY (that they are with me)!!!!! Those are the things that children grow up remembering.

I guess that it is not up to me to understand the thought process of some of these "parents". All I can do is be the best that I can be. Nothing good can come out of negative behaviour.Kids are smarter than we know. They see more than we think. I don't have a lot of money. But what I do have are things that money can't buy, and to me... That's Priceless!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I got this!

This morning was a great morning. Both boys woke up without me having to wake them. Normally I go into each of their rooms and tickle them. My oldest son is normally up looking around before I even get a chance to walk in his room. I tell ya, that kid is always smiling even when he was a baby, he would always wake up with a smile on his face. I always wake up my youngest first, why because he sleeps so hard, so it normally takes a few minutes for him to wake up stretch, look around, stretch some more, and request for me to carry him and his towel into the bathroom because his legs are tired. I know the routine, I almost can tell the exact minute when he's gonna say it. Almost like clock work. I asked him what am I gonna do when he's sissy's age and wants me to carry him (she's 16), he said that I will have to carry him anyways because he's the baby. Yeah that should be very interesting.
The boys are staying off for 5 days this week. From Thursday until Tuesday afternoon because of spring break. I feel like puking. Sorry, I am not one of those momma's that like for my children to go away, or for them to grow up and move out. I actually appreciate the noise in the house, the little voices. The sound of my 16 year old and my 9 year old telling on each other, or my 7 year old being the typical little brother are things that don't annoy me. These are things that I don't take for granted. Isn't that what kids are suppose to do? My 7 year old adores my daughter. And my 9 year old corrects my youngest when he does something wrong. As much as they go at it, all 3 of them, they always stick up for one another.
Being a single mom isn't hard for me. I mean I did it even when I technically wasn't single. The title had changed, but the responsibilities were still the same. There are tons of women who are in relationships that may as well be single. They raise their kids on their own because the other parent is always working, there but not really involved, etc. Just an extra space filler in the house. That was me for many, many years. So when my status went from married to single, that simply meant, one less mouth to feed, or one less load of laundry, one less plate to fix. Because the responsibilty of being "mommy" never changed!
My mom made raising me and my sister look easy, very easy. She really didn't get frustrated, our house was ALWAYS spotless. Dinner was always cooked, she made our clothes, sometimes we went to the salvation army and got things, homework was done, I mean she never flinched!My dad was there, but my mom, well she was "it". It didn't seem to bother her, she never looked at me and my sister like we were in the way, or stopping her from living her life. Afterall, we were and stillare her life. My parents both are awesome, I mean they really are. I have never seen my mom cry, even til this day and I am 37 years old. She is just strong. If she ever cried, it was in the privacy of her own room. My parents have been married for almost 42 years, maybe one day I will have that, maybe not. But one thing I can say when it comes to raising my 3 kids, is "I GOT THIS!!"

Saturday, March 23, 2013

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Pay it forward!

Today was my first official 5k this year. I practiced a few times, but this was the "actual" event. my goal was to be under 39 minutes, and not to stop. I had my songza app going, and my map my run app going. my glow thingies on, I was pumped and ready to go.Talk about a turn out. There was over 1k people there, and the race was sold out!! I saw "little people" there, there was even one chick on crutches. I saw senior citizens, and moms pushing strollers, and moms with there little kids with them who insisted on running themselves. It was AWESOME! People had on tutus, flashing mow hawks, you name it, it was there. This run benefited the Easter Seals. But at any rate, I busted my ass. I ran under 11 minutes, and finished the race in 35 minutes. I remember towards the end, there was a young girl, I'm guessing her late teens or early 20's, she stopped and was walking. I had no idea who she was, but I remember saying to her,"come on girl stay with me" She looked at me and started to run, I told her that we had one more mile, and that we were almost there. She said ok. I said do you see the finish line from here? She said no, I told her well you will, just stay with me. Half a mile there, I told her I was about to start sprinting and she needed to stay by my side. And guess what she did!!! We finished together, and I gave her a high 5, and I walked off. I will probably never see her again, probably wouldn't know her if I saw her again. But I helped her just as much as she helped me. My goal in life, is to pay it forward. I get off on helping people. I don't want anything in return. My return is something that money can't buy. It's not even bragging rights. Its just who I am as a person. I have so much to give. I have a talent with people. I can take a bad situation and make people smile. My purpose here on earth is to help people do things that they never thought that they could ever do. The reason I created Diary of a Single mom, and now Fit mom (which was created by FPL,but given to me)is to help others. if I can help one person, I have done my job! i feel accomplished. I have paid it forward. I'm no saint, hell I am far from it! Actually I don't want to be a saint, way to much responsibility. I'm just a single mom of 3 kids, trying to help others, who could use a push in their lives.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Where's that parenting book

Have you ever met that person who swore up and down that they knew the ins and outs of parenting? I mean really. You have raised one kid and all of a sudden you know everything, you have your PhD in parenthood. I think if some of the "uptighties" saw my way of parenting they would probably loose their minds. I don't let my kids pig out, but they are allowed to eat candy, they are allowed to have soda, they have toy guns, and swords, I even let them stay up late on Fridays, and Saturdays. But then there is that one uptight person who would think OMG you're going to raise little gang members, their teeth are gonna fall out,blah blah blah!I think that it's funny sometimes, but then there are other times where it makes my blood boil! No one has ever really said anything to me about how I raise my children. I was told that my youngest who is ADHD could use a good ass whooping when he misbehaves. That it's not ADHD it's lack of beating his tail. Ummm no! These parents are normally the ones who learned their "skills" from those parenting books. What to expect when your kid is 20 or some crap like that, or better yet, "Parenting for dummies" I bet if I looked online right now I would "so" find a parenting for dummies book.I have 3 children, and I would be the first to tell you, that what worked with child #1 didn't work for #2 and damn sure didn't work for #3. Moral of the story, burn those books mommas. Intuition is free! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Every Step of the way!

I stay very busy. As a matter of fact I am never NOT busy. And that's ok. I'm not complaining. But I guess I started having these weird feeling because of my youngest son. I'm having one of his medications changed, well I actually did have it changed. His first day taking it will be tomorrow, so that I will have all weekend to see how it effects him. Reading the side affects is scary. But I also read the side affects of the now "old" medication and they are equally scary. He's ADHD, but he has some bipolar tendencies. He hasn't been officially diagnosed, but they are hoping that his new meds will help ease his mood changes. He's not like this at home. He's a "normal" kid at home, but at school or when he stays off it's totally different.

His last "episode" was just the other day. My son works off of an internal schedule. He has things made up in his mind, and they have to go in a certain order. Change is extremely hard for him!Well it's a huge deal for him to finish his homework before he comes home (not my rule, it's HIS rule). Well this particular day, he ran out of time. When the teacher was trying to tell him that there wasn't enough time, that set him off. It saddens me to see him that way. I just wish that whatever he feels on the inside, I could just snatch it from him. I mean really, I'm an adult. I have been through hell and back. I have a full plate, and it is running over. But for my children, I will add more on my plate, no questions asked. He's an awesome kid. I just want to take all of his overwhelming emotions away from him.

When you are a good parent, you can't help but feel helpless. You can't help but wonder if it's something that you have done, or should have done. When we are at home I always do things in a certain order for him, there aren't any surprises. I know that life doesn't work that way, surprises happen. But for him, he has to be eased into certain things. Maybe it will get a lot better when he is older, maybe it won't. But either way, I am going to be there every step of the way!